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Morning Success Secrets: How Leaders, CEOs, and High Performers Use Diaries and Journals to Thrive

The habits of leaders, ceo's and high performers are the ones which can unlock the doors of success, so to say. One of the most effective thing they do is also one of the simplest - Journaling. A diary or a journal is not just a piece of paper where you jot down thoughts, it is a powerful tool that enhances concentration, preciseness and imagination. Here’s how they tightly schedule their personal and business activities first by utilizing their journal first thing in the morning.

Mornings can be used as a perfect opportunity to clear of your mind and get ready for what the day has in store. A common practice of many leaders and high achievers is dedicating the first portion of their morning writing in a journal as a means of shedding distracting thoughts.

Scribbling ideas, worries, and to-do lists helps get rid of a cloudy brain and opens the eye for more tangible thoughts. For instance, Sir Richard Branson will regularly note that this writing exercise is critical in these busy men’s ability to focus efficiently throughout the day. They write down what needs to be done first and what ideas need to be developed, and then they are able to see everything clearly from day one. And with this mental clarity, they can efficiently solve problems and maximise their performance.

Accomplishment begins with a blueprint and journaling facilitates high achievers to delineate their goals for the day. Whether it is strategizing critical tasks to be accomplished, setting short term objectives, or reconfirming long vision, inscribing wishes down the paper goes a long way.

Journaling is not just a tool for finding direction, it is also a portal for self-discovery as well. People like me who tend to excel in their tasks often prefer to use the first few minutes of their mornings to engage in writing as a form of self introspection. This is done to gain insight on how the previous day went and which aspects needed more focus on and which ones required a hug or pat in the back. Such reflection is crucial for leaders as it remains helpful in comprehending and adjusting to events. Unlike a ‘learning from’ focused approach, these leaders try to comprehend the patterns they engaged in while facing a problem and try to learn from and adjust the next time thus improving all aspects of their lives.

Creativity is unleashed with the simple act of putting pen to paper. The likes of Picasso, van Gogh, and many more beautiful minds often wrote down their ideas, approached problems through a multi-faceted lens, and worked through them in order to come up with the most innovative solutions possible. No longer restrained, these thinkers began to write freely and in turn were able to make use of their subconscious. Journals have witnessed some of the greatest strategies to evolve from business and marketing.

Guided journals help maintain and boost mental health, reduce stress, and improve cognitive function. Considerably so, as these leaders hold roles that are mostly under a lot of pressure, this easy and simple task can be a life savior. Journaling targets the area of the brain responsible for regulating emotions and decision making, making it easier for leaders to remain composed during a conflict by allowing them to think straight.

Journaling does not call for days of effort, one can commit about 5-10 minutes and include it as a part of their morning routine. In this time frame, you can jot down your goals, admire your progress, and more. Writing leaves a positive mark on your day and is perfect for setting an energetic tone. According to success elements, journaling does serve as a standard practice for change. It goes beyond just a habit, it can be used as a tool for success. Take a pen, open the journal and start your road to success by writing.

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