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Ever thought about how great your handwriting was when you were in school?

Yes, I understand since we've all done it. You've come to the perfect place because you're about to discover how to improve your handwriting.

All you need is a little patience and practice. Yes, patience is required because improving handwriting takes time and effort.

Because we know that handwriting is supposed to be used, we must practise it with patience.

So without further discussion let's see how you can improve your handwriting.


1 Find out which tool is best for you.



The "tool" is the first, simple step in improving your handwriting. Find out what works best for you.

The Turbo Mechanical pencil is a top choice if you like to write with a pencil.

Choose the Sky Roller Ball Pen if you enjoy writing with a ball pen.

All you need to do is find that perfect match for you. I hope you get an idea now.

Now, you get a proper tool for yourself and a perfect grip. And voila, the first part here is done.

Now let's move to the next.


2 Choosing a suitable writing surface.



Yes, you read it right you need to select a proper surface to write on. Your handwriting depends a lot on the surface you write on.

Our handwriting differs depending on the surface we're writing on. For example, if we're writing on a blackboard and a notebook.

Because the surface of a chalkboard is slightly rough, whereas the surface of a notepad is smooth, our handwriting will be different.

First, we need to choose a proper surface to write on. So for starters, you can select a notebook such as the Single Ruled Diary.

Now, we know our perfect tool and the surface to write on. Let's see how we can improve our handwriting.


3. Practising



Practice is the key to improving your handwriting, and as we've already discussed, practice requires patience.

Because the handwriting contains several aspects, it is critical to comprehend each one.

Start with the basic lines and shapes like horizontal, vertical lines, circles, slants etc.

Once you get a proper hold of the basics, you're perfect with them.


4. Practising symbols helps a lot, so don't skip them, try to practice symbols too.



Try to do one thing at a time, don't rush to the alphabet immediately.  

You're getting the basics perfectly then and only then you should start with the alphabet.

Practice one alphabet at a time. And eventually, you'll see that you're improving.

Start with basic words, then sentences, and finally paragraphs after you have wonderful perfect alphabets.

I know it sounds like a long process but it is worth it. 

Give yourself a month. You will see how your handwriting was before and how it is now.



Scooboo has a variety of handwriting, notebook, and pen supplies. Choose whatever makes you feel most at ease and aids in your handwriting.

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